
Fit for Future 2022: State Award for Best Apprenticeship Companies

The State Award for Best Training Companies Fit for Future was again announced in 2022. Companies could apply by March 1, 2022 with their examples of good practice in the following categories:

  • Apprenticeship marketing and recruitment
  • Apprenticeship practice
  • Digital learning and training
  • + Special prize Explainer videos by and for apprentices

From the 150 good practice examples submitted, an expert jury nominated three companies per category.

The state prize winners and the special prize winner have been announced at the state prize award ceremony on September 28th, 2022.

The next national award will be announced in 2024.


EuroSkills 2021: Great success for Austria's participants

The EuroSkills 2021 in Graz ended on 26 September with a great overall result for the Austrian team.

A total of 33 medals (11 in gold, 12 in silver and 10 in bronze) as well as four "Medals for Excellence" underline the extraordinary achievements of the 54 participants and the excellent work done in vocational education and training.

ReferNet Austria congratulates!!!

More info and all details: https://euroskills2021.com/

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