2018-06-13: Nordic Work Life Conference (Oslo, NO)
Die neunte Nordic Work Life Conference, die zwischen 13. und 15. Juni 2018 stattfindet, widmet sich dem Thema "Vocational Education and Training in international labor markets: challenges and responses". Mehr
- 2018-01-18: Qualitätsanforderungen in der EB (Salzburg, AT)
- 2018-02-07: PLF "Upskilling pathways" (Brüssel, BE)
- 2018-02-22: Cedefop workshop "VET in the 21st century" (Thessaloniki, GR)
- 2017-12-08: Cedefop Brussels seminar with Estonian Presidency (Brüssel, BE)
- 2018-06-06: Skills for Employability and Careers (Winterthur, CH)
- 2017-11-23: Skill needs forecasting expert workshop (Thessaloniki, GR)