The 9th Cedefop Brussels Seminar organised by Cedefop in cooperation with the present Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union will take place on 7th of December 2020 between 10:00-11:45 am with the Attractiveness of continuing vocational education and training in the EU as topic.
The virtual seminar will present Cedefop’s research activities under the overarching theme of attractiveness of VET, with a special focus on continuing VET. Drawing on Cedefop research, participants will discuss:
- trends and characteristics of the participation of adult population in education and training in the EU, taking into account different national contexts and population groups
- attitudes towards vocational education and training, particularly continuing VET, using data from Cedefop opinion surveys on VET supplemented by other international data sources
- policy approaches and support measures to encourage adult participation in continuing VET.
The working language is English. For more information please have a look at the Agenda and here.